Looking for where to buy bees wax in Australia? At Honey For Life we don’t produce just any beeswax, but high-quality, pure beeswax sourced right here in WA. From the Mumballup State Forest near the town of Collie, to be precise.
One of nature’s most versatile products, beeswax can be used in your home, beauty routine and much more! Create your own lip balms, hand creams or deodorants, use it for shaping beards and moustaches, making candles, and our favourite... making eco-friendly surfboard wax! Buy our beeswax online today.
Looking for Beeswax products? Look no further! We have beautiful beeswax candles & also a range of beeswax body and lip balms. Shop our range today!
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What is Total Activity?
What is Total Activity?
Total Activity (TA) is the measurement of the honey's antimicrobial quality or its antimicrobial strength in killing bacteria. Any honey with a TA rating higher than 10+ has beneficial antimicrobial properties. The larger the TA number, the stronger the antimicrobial effect level of the honey.
We get most of our honey tested for its Total Activity by the NATA registered Chem Centre of Western Australia, Intertek, and Analytica Laboratories.
Western Australia remains free from several significant bee diseases and pests, making ours one of only two healthy bee populations in the world. At Honey For Life, our beekeeping operations remain chemical free, which means our bees wax is too!
Make the natural, sustainable choice with our pure beeswax, which is a natural byproduct of honey production and serves a multitude of uses that extend far beyond the beehive. It's an eco-friendly alternative for making DIY skincare products, a key ingredient in crafting candles that burn cleanly, and an ideal lubricant for squeaky drawers or sticky windows. Its food-safe properties also make it perfect for creating biodegradable beeswax wraps. Try it out for yourself and discover the amazing versatility of bees wax.