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For those seeking the highest potency, our Western Australian Raw Manuka Honey MGO829 is the ultimate choice. With an impressive MGO rating of 829, this honey is harvested from pristine environments and made by thriving bee populations. Its raw and potent nature makes it perfect for medicinal use and enhancing your health. Our beekeepers work tirelessly to bring you the best quality. Though Manuka Honey is commonly associated with New Zealand, Australia has more species of the Manuka plant, enriched by healthy bee populations and enzyme-rich soils. Buy Manuka Honey Online from Australia today!

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MGO829+ is perfect for daily vitality.

METHLGLYOXAL (MGO) is an active naturally occurring nutrient found in Manuka honey. Renowned for its antibacterial properties, MGO is also acclaimed for its anti-inflammatory and antiviral benefits. These support overall wellbeing. The higher the MGO concentration, the higher the health benefits.

HEALTH BENEFITS | Oral Health | Good Digestion | Immune Function

PROVENANCE | Our plantations are near Badgingarra, in the Coral Coast wildflower region of Western Australia.

TASTING NOTES | A harmonious blend of sweet, smoky bitterness. Expect earthy flavours of sweet tobacco leaves alongside the richness of smoky bourbon, burned muscovado sugar, burned nut brittle and Christmas cake

Regular price $24.00 USD
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